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During my time in North Carolina, I did ministry alongside all of the women of Activation Route, Gap K. I did various activities such as digging up a mailbox, weeding, and a ton of painting. Throughout the two weeks, I did a lot of “background” work, work that can be easily overlooked. As a kid and a young adult, I have strived for affirmation and recognition from others in what I do. Acknowledgment for my good deeds and services. My time in North Carolina has shifted that thought process into getting my affirmation and love from God. I can walk away from the job site feeling fantastic about the work I completed without receiving a pat on the back or a “good job”. I can walk away knowing that I am serving our Lord and being the hands and feet of Jesus. I feel good about the work I am doing and know that I only need affirmation from Him. I can also rest in the fact that God is and will always be proud of me.

One response to “Behind the Scenes (North Carolina)”

  1. People can live an entire lifetime without learning the lessons you are learning now. Keep it up! You are doing great!